Thursday, August 4, 2011

~Hot Pink Hair~

A few months ago, Elysia and I took Jaelyn, Kyleigh, and Marian to get Kyleigh's haircut together. While we were there we had this brilliant idea to allow our girls to have pink streak highlights in their hair. This is an idea that Jaelyn and I have tossed around for the last few summers. I don't really see a problem with allowing her to do something like that. I know a lot of parents disagree.
This idea turned into 4 little girls sleeping over and me dying all of their little heads pink--and purple. These are the parts of being a Mommy that I love. Despite all of the chaos, drama, and diva moments these types of sleepovers bring, they give me lots and lots of joy. 
Letting my daughter have pink highlights is an example of a battle that I don't want to fight. She is so smart, so well behaved, and so sweet that I think allowing her to express herself through things like washable hair dye are healthy. It also gives me a way to bond with her, and to bond with her friends-which to me is most important of all.

In addition to the hot pink hair dye party for the girls, I also dyed Alicia's hair. We have not been able to spend a lot of 'girl' time together lately and so it was fun to streak her out.  (She looks amazing BTW) It was funny because during our hair dye session we had a friend call us for prayer. So with pink stained hands, foiled hair, in the middle of a messy bathroom we were able to still go to our God with our sister.  Our friend joked that one day Alicia would preach a sermon called 'pink hair dye'. 

I highly recommend grabbing a bottle of hot pink hair dye, your daughter, or a girlfriend. Good things happen!

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